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Welcome to my blog in English. It is a literary experiment inspired by Pirandello's "Novelle per un anno". It is just a series of questions on twelve topics or so.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

2. Would I eat sushis with a one-night guy ?

The prerequisite for eating sushis with a man is fantastic sex which in my opinion needs to be developed over more than one night. Therefore I am definetely against the idea of wasting my time in tasting those delicious Japanese bouchées with the occasional male. It is a question of estethics. Even Tanizaki would agree with me that you need a certain quality of night to eat sushis and that the feelings you get by swallowing this food needs to be preserved from polluting attitudes such as impatience or self-indulgence. Nonetheless you can always have sex and eat sushis by daytime which is a totally different affair. There you do not have any longer the obscurity to protect you from seeing how dull is the lover you have chosen – for an afternoon, say. And you will eat your sushis just because there is nothing else to taste, I am afraid. A pity that you react so mildly to the sensations the food delivers so generously to your indifferent palate. The rice becomes a sort of gross flower you mix in your mouth with the leave of algae and the zest of salmon gets lost in your throat without living the faintest impression on your lazy senses. Anything you ingest is intended to make you believe you have spent a divine afternoon with the incarnation of Apollo. Nothing could persuade you of the contrary. And you keep chewing your sushis firmly pinched between two sticks whilst your lover is asleep.

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