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Welcome to my blog in English. It is a literary experiment inspired by Pirandello's "Novelle per un anno". It is just a series of questions on twelve topics or so.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

5. Why my second question is not on cooking ?

I define cooking as the delicate process by which we choose, manipulate with the appropriate array of tools and expose food to the adequate temperature in order to improve the taste and quality of what we eat. Salads, sandwiches or sushis are not cooked though we eat them with pleasure. Why on earth should we cook our food if many civilisations have brilliantly demonstrated how row material can be aphrodisiac enough to let you discover heaven without the fuss of spending time in a kitchen. So many books have been published on the ground that they claim to be THE collection of aphrodisiac recipes one must have. Without the help of Aphrodite’s gastronomy your sex life is bound to be only a pale reflexion of what it could be. Let’s be stubborn and decide not to cook anything prior to a sexual encounter. To be even more radical we could even experience starvation a few days before meeting our partner just to see if our sexual appetite is not enhanced by the lack of food. Anything eatable would become aphrodisiac thereafter, including poison. These were more or less the conditions that enabled our ancestors to decide that some kind of cooked food is aphrodisiac.

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